Friday, 20 October 2017

Run Cycle. - Animation Test. - UNIT 2

This is the first attempt at making my polar bear run, I am very proud of this as I have kept his legs smooth and consistent with his body and head.

His neck moves in time with his front legs which helps to make the back end of the body flow in time, so it makes the over all image of his body look like it is lifting up and down with the weight correctly.

There is more I can do to improve this cycle which I will at a later date; such as the fact the bears eyes change in shape and the tail does too, and the shoulder blade effect is very sharp and needs to be smoothed out more. But as of now I am very proud of this first attempt of a run cycle. 

Reference to the video used for help:

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Walk Cycle Attempts. (OLD) - UNIT 2

These are two walk cycles i tried to do in the past that i did not continue with because the errors were too common and could not be fixed in the drawing, but i have kept these old drawings in order to show the improvement i am making with every time i redraw the walk cycle.

Walk Cycle One:

With my first attempt it was very clean and clear to see, but the joints do not move accurately, nor does his body stay consistent or his head shape and in all the frames you can see the back leg knee is not pointing forward so it gives off an unrealistic movement type. 

Walk Cycle Two:

As you can see with the second attempt i made i tried to be more consistent in shape by using shapes and muscle lines to show the joints but i still could not get the body to stay consistent nor the head shape.

Research on Disney's Nine Old Men. - UNIT 2

This is the work i done on the nine old men that originally worked for Walt Disney and i took notes of all the characters that are famous and well known and which ones of the animators created therm in their projects. 

This is an image of the Nine Old Men.

Two Week Analysis. - UNIT 2

This is just the work i did to conclude a couple weeks back of what i learnt.

14 Principles of Animation. - UNIT 2

Storyboard Attempt - 1. - UNIT 2

This is the first storyboard i have done for my character to try and show the story that he is going through. Also to explain the point i am trying to get across, which in this case is that he struggles to find food like most animals in the world due to global warming and mistreating of the earth. I chose to make the story base around this idea as it speaks more to the audience with a meaningful message in which i am trying to get across. 

Character Profile. - UNIT 2

Walk Cycle. - Animation test. - UNIT 2

This is the animation of my character walking in the looped cycle.
It is more visible that its a bit rough still and needs editing with the head and body changing shape too much but i will fix this at a later date, as of now this is my first attempt of an animation.

The reason i like this animation loop so much is because his body is roughly staying the same in shape and size and it makes it look more realistic and smooth looking, his head still jolts around in size a bit like i have already stated above but this can be fixed with a few editing adjustments.

Overall i am proud of this first attempt and how it has come out, the legs are smooth and easy to understand and lines i have drawn onto his feet help to empathise the weight in which his body is and the strain of muscles working to support him.

Reference to the video used:

Random Poses of My Character.

Character Walk Cycle.

The Walk Cycle of My Polar Bear.

This is the 8 frames of an attempt of making my polar bear walk, it is simple and a bit rough and needs to be edited which it will in time when i focus more onto him. As of now though i feel this is a good first attempt of making a walk cycle for my character, as the shading of the back legs help to show the movement in which he walks.

I also like this new walk cycle attempt as his body shape is a lot more consistent when it comes to shape and size and his head doesn't change in length or width as much as it did before.

Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
Frame 5
Frame 6
Frame 7
Frame 8