Thursday 19 October 2017

Walk Cycle. - Animation test. - UNIT 2

This is the animation of my character walking in the looped cycle.
It is more visible that its a bit rough still and needs editing with the head and body changing shape too much but i will fix this at a later date, as of now this is my first attempt of an animation.

The reason i like this animation loop so much is because his body is roughly staying the same in shape and size and it makes it look more realistic and smooth looking, his head still jolts around in size a bit like i have already stated above but this can be fixed with a few editing adjustments.

Overall i am proud of this first attempt and how it has come out, the legs are smooth and easy to understand and lines i have drawn onto his feet help to empathise the weight in which his body is and the strain of muscles working to support him.

Reference to the video used:

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