Thursday 19 October 2017

Walk Cycle Attempts. (OLD) - UNIT 2

These are two walk cycles i tried to do in the past that i did not continue with because the errors were too common and could not be fixed in the drawing, but i have kept these old drawings in order to show the improvement i am making with every time i redraw the walk cycle.

Walk Cycle One:

With my first attempt it was very clean and clear to see, but the joints do not move accurately, nor does his body stay consistent or his head shape and in all the frames you can see the back leg knee is not pointing forward so it gives off an unrealistic movement type. 

Walk Cycle Two:

As you can see with the second attempt i made i tried to be more consistent in shape by using shapes and muscle lines to show the joints but i still could not get the body to stay consistent nor the head shape.

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